all postcodes in NE23 / CRAMLINGTON

find any address or company within the NE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE23 8AD 47 37 55.089885 -1.615306
NE23 8AL 14 8 55.092118 -1.608469
NE23 8AF 1 1 55.092419 -1.614702
NE23 8AJ 1 1 55.091718 -1.606013
NE23 8AP 3 0 55.084382 -1.60881
NE23 8AQ 1 1 55.090143 -1.610854
NE23 8AU 9 4 55.092126 -1.631015
NE23 8AX 5 0 55.076043 -1.62789
NE23 8AY 1 0 55.088369 -1.619017
NE23 8BB 1 0 55.082644 -1.615313
NE23 8BH 5 5 55.089135 -1.616269
NE23 8BJ 1 1 55.087693 -1.617646
NE23 8DA 11 0 55.086404 -1.602227
NE23 8DB 11 0 55.086667 -1.602992
NE23 8DD 12 0 55.086365 -1.601523
NE23 8DE 10 0 55.086231 -1.599065
NE23 8DF 19 0 55.08595 -1.598237
NE23 8DG 9 0 55.085169 -1.598558
NE23 8DH 20 0 55.08496 -1.600534
NE23 8DJ 10 0 55.085215 -1.601472